Driving instructions

Kytäjä Golf is located in Hyvinkää, in the village of Kytäjä, 12 km from the Helsinki – Tampere freeway.

Driving directions to Kytäjä Golf

Kytäjä Golf is located in Hyvinkää, in the village of Kytäjä, 12 km from the Helsinki – Tampere freeway.

Exit the freeway at the Hyvinkää – Kytäjä intersection (number 16). From the freeway drive west towards Kytäjä. Once you see the lake, do not turn to Kytäjä’s old mansion. Keep driving with the lake on your right; you will see the golf courses after about four kilometers. After a multi-story building, drive forward for 50 meters past the suppliers’ entrance to the Hirvijärvi intersection. Turn right, and the parking lot will be after the red barn.

On the Kytäjäntie road, there are signs showing you the way.